Description of TTP
The LoiLo TTP (Teaching-Through Problem Solving) Math Curriculum boosts math education by encouraging students to engage creatively with math and learn through peer collaboration.
Explore Teaching Through Problem-Solving in Mathematics
Students think independently and creatively about mathematics:
The Teaching Through Problem-Solving (TTP) approach to mathematics encourages students to discover and create independently. Instead of memorizing formulas, it emphasizes developing their skills to analyze and find solutions through activities such as comparing their answers with classmates' and having discussions. This fosters their ability to apply mathematical concepts and independently solve unfamiliar problems.
Students learn from eachother and discuss the mathematics:
In TTP lessons, the teacher observes and guides a class-wide discussion. In this context, students and teachers freely and quickly conceptualize, create, and present ideas. Collecting each student's responses for sharing, comparison, and discussion is crucial for successfully implementing TTP in the classroom. This enables students to learn from one another and understand the essence of learning, including dealing with the unknown.